School Trips to Threlkeld Quarry and Mining Museum

Tailored educational trips for your school

Threlkeld Museum offers a range of activities for visiting school groups which are both fun and educational for children, covering a variety of subjects from the lakes industrial history to mining and geology. The  Museum has provided many educational days for schools and the feedback from children and teachers alike is always positive.


The absolute maximum number which we can accommodate on one day is 40 children, arriving at 10am promptly and departing at 2pm. Within this 4 hour slot we can offer:


  • A short talk on the geology of the Lake District and the history of mining followed by a look around the quarrying and mining rooms of the museum.
  • A train ride to view the extent of Threlkeld Micro-granite Quarry
  • A guided visit to the quarry to demonstrate the roles of quarrying machinery and vehicles
  • Mineral Panning. Although this is available in our stream we tend to leave this for younger primary school children (6-8yrs) but it is available on request, provided there is sufficient time to fit it in to the already packed schedule.


Please note we are currently unable to offer the guided underground tour until further notice.

As we have to call on additional staff for school groups, the standard charge is £8.50 per child up to 40 children per visit. Weather permitting, packed lunches can be eaten at our picnic area with an indoor area suitable to seat approx 20 children at a time.




If you/your school is interested in a visit or would like more information please do not hesitate to contact the museum team to arrange your trip.

Tel: 01768779747
